A Timeless Marketing Philosophy
Trends come and go but core principles never change.
1.The closest to the customer wins.
Great marketing understands people. The best way to understand people is to get close to them— interviews, phone calls, research. Asking questions and listening.
hat tip: Katelyn Bourgoin, Bob Moesta
2. The clearest wins.
Great marketing is an exercise in clarity and memorization. Clarity only happens by building a story, simplifying that story, and repeating that story. Story. Simplify. Repeat.
h/t Donald Miller
3. The most focused wins.
Great marketing is focused. Focus is knowing the landscape (the customer, competition, and dynamics)better than anyone. Focus sees patterns that others can’t.
h/t David C. Baker, Blair Enns
4. The most human wins.
Great marketing is irrational, absurd, and illogical. Because humans are irrational, absurd, and illogical. Great marketing creates drama, makes noise, and sparks emotion.
h/t Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas, Mark Pollard, Rory Sutherland
5. The most helpful wins.
Great marketing isn’t selfish. It gives before it takes. It focuses on the audience and their needs. Great marketing doesn’t pretend to care. It actually cares.
h/t Chris Do, Joanna Wiebe